3000 Tiger token has been Paired to 1000 YF4 on Uniswap pool.

Nov 17, 2020
Uniswap Trading Pair YF4/TIGER : https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?inputCurrency=0x38acefad338b870373fb8c810fe705569e1c7225&outputCurrency=0x3e825ab39216b27d9e1d7031d0afc5b37a3d46d0

We’re glad to announce to our Lovely Community that 3000 Tiger tokens have been paired to YF4 on Uniswap which means we can now trade our Tiger against YF4 and YF4 against Tiger on Uniswap.

Here’s the Trading Pair Link: https://info.uniswap.org/pair/0x710d2ef9266c6a4202ab8400af2c50195633f84b

The Distribution for Tiger Tokens are as follows:

StakeHolder of YF4–90% 90000 tiger tokens, the estimation stakeholder reward program will be complete for 1 Year)

Uniswap Pool — 10% (it will be 10000 tiger token in uniswap pool pair to YF4)

The YF4 Team will also like to use this medium and appreciate all efforts coming from the community members and also investors.

Once again, Tiger 🐅 by YF4 is Born!!!

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Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/yearn4finance
Medium: https://medium.com/@yearn4.finance
Official Website: https://yearn4.finance/

